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Park View Road
Saturday, February 25th, 2017
National League South
Attendance: 506


DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Louis Massingham Rowell
Left home at about 12:30 with Dad and got the bus to Tooting Broadway where I got the underground to London Bridge. From there Dad got the train to New Eltham to see Metrogas but I got the 13:38 train to Welling. Got to the station at approx 14:00 and walked for about 20 mins to get to the ground. Once at the ground, did the usual of going into shop, buying programme and walking around the ground. Pleasant ground with a typical non league feel to it. The game itself started off a bit slow and Wealdstone probably had the best of the chances within the first 10 ish mins. Then it became a really open and entertaining game until half time with a number of chances for both sides. 2nd half was a really poor affair and needed a goal to liven it up. Old Sutton boy Ricky Wellard got it and that then gave Wealdstone something to hold onto. Welling didn't really threaten towards the end of the game and Wealdstone won 0-1. Started walking back to the station but was worried I wouldn't get there in time so I got the 51 to the station. I then got the 17:22 to Peckham Rye and then the train back to Streatham Common. I got home at approx 18:15. Was a good day in the end with Sutton winning their 2nd away game of the season with Downer in goal for about 70 mins.
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