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Champion Hill Stadium
Tuesday, July 12th, 2022
1st Team Friendly


Comments :
Went straight from work. Left at about 17:45 and got the train from Dalston Junction to East Dulwich after changing at Peckham Rye. Got to the ground at about 18:50 for the KO at 19:30. We started the game well and were 2-0 up within the first 15 mins or so after goals from Ali Smith and the trialist striker. We were the better side for the 1st half and created a few more chances that weren't taken. The second half wasn't the greatest spectacle and after changing the line up after 60 mins there wasn't much entertainment by the end. Got the P13 back to Streatham highroad and then got the 57, getting home at 22:10.

  Matt Gray

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Louis Massingham Rowell
Went straight from work. Left at about 17:45 and got the train from Dalston Junction to East Dulwich after changing at Peckham Rye. Got to the ground at about 18:50 for the KO at 19:30. We started the game well and were 2-0 up within the first 15 mins or so after goals from Ali Smith and the trialist striker. We were the better side for the 1st half and created a few more chances that weren't taken. The second half wasn't the greatest spectacle and after changing the line up after 60 mins there wasn't much entertainment by the end. Got the P13 back to Streatham highroad and then got the 57, getting home at 22:10.
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